It was still business quality (veal from Hawksworth), but they simply didn't give you that picture perfect plating that is so greatly appreciated.
Sure, there's no pillow or bar service- they've warned about this on their website, but as it turned out, when they said they would be serving pre-packaged meals, all they meant was that they weren't going to plate your meal for you. Even with reduced cabin services, it was still a nice experience. Due COVID-19, I requested the upgrade to business as a precautionary measure, and I wasn't disappointed. It just looks really clean and the colours contrast nicely. It's a pretty standard product, though I must say I really like the colour scheme that Air Canada uses. Air Canada uses Super Diamond seats, which arrange passengers in a reverse herringbone configuration. That being said, even with all the precautionary measures, I was surprised that they were still able to put a somewhat decent service together. ✅ Trip Verified | I flew business class after Covid-19 measures were implemented, so I came in expecting reduced cabin service, and that was what I got.